
A distributed system is a system composed of group(s) of processes that coordinate their activities by exchanging messages over a network. For such systems, pair-wise exchange of messages need not be the most efficient or reliable way to communicate. Multicast is an operation that sends a message from one process to a group of processes. This is typically achieved without the sending process having explicit knowledge of the group members. Common applications include, but are not limited to:

A middleware is a software layer that abstracts and hides the heterogeneity of underlying networks, operating systems and programming languages. Examples include CORBA [DS:4,5,20] and Java RMI [DS:4,5.5], although the latter merely supports a single programming language. In addition to solving the heterogeneity problem, a middleware provides a model for distributed communication, e.g., remote method invocation and remote event notification. CORBA and Java RMI implement the former approach, i.e., a program can invoke a method in an object located on another computer.

The goal of this project is to design and implement GCom, a middleware for group communication. The middleware must implement a given API that in turn can be used by programmers to develop applications that make use of reliable messaging. GCom must support various types of multicast, guarantee different types of message ordering and handle group membership issues.

Group membership management is a complicated problem and has been the focus of much research. For this project, we will accept simplified solutions to the group membership problem and instead focus on the multicast types and message ordering algorithms.

The project must be solved "individually" by groups of two students.

Assignment rules

The following rules apply to all assignments and are very important.


The overall aim of this project is to increase your knowledge of distributed systems and distributed programming. More specific goals include:


The GCom middleware consists of three (logical) modules, the group management module, the communication module and the message ordering module. These are, respectively, responsible for handling group membership issues, communication message exchange semantics and message (re)ordering issues. All of these modules need to function properly in order for your system to be able to ensure correct message delivery semantics.

Group management module

In order to send messages to the processes in a group, GCom must keep track of the members of a group. This can be done either statically or dynamically.

In a static group, the structure of the group is predefined and only group members can join the group. Until all members have joined, no member can send data messages to the group. Once the group is established and message sharing may begin, no new members can join (or re-join) the group. The group management module must however be able to handle that members may leave static groups at any time (due to crashes).

In contrast, in dynamic groups, members may join and leave the group at any time. Processes that re-join the group may be handled as any other joining process.

The four main tasks of the group management module is:

Consider the following issues when designing the group management module:

Recommended reading: DS:12.4,15.2.2

Communication module

Processes in a group can communicate via various mechanisms. The creator of a group specifies which communication mechanism to use for all data messages in that group. GCom must support the following mechanisms:

For the tree-based multicast algorithm, read about multicast routing, e.g., in [DK:4.7.2]. For reliability issues regarding tree-based multicast see, e.g., IP-multicast described in [DS:12.4.2]. The requirements for the reliable tree-based multicast are simply as follows:

Recommended reading: DS:12.4, DK:4.7.2

Message ordering module

Various types of delays in networks and computers may cause reordering of messages in a process, e.g., the reply to a certain request may, in some process, arrive before the request. For some applications, this type of behavior is unacceptable. The GCom middleware must be able to deliver messages according to the following orderings:

Note that GCom must be able to use these orderings in combination with any of the multicast mechanisms listed above.

The definition of total ordering is that messages may be delivered in arbitrary order, as long as all processes in a group deliver the messages in exactly the same order. Hybrid message orderings such as FIFO-Total add extra ordering requirements. Total ordering combined with reliable multicast is also referred to as atomic multicast, and is often used for replication and transactions.

Recommended reading: DS:12.4.3, 12.5.4

Testing and Demonstration

In order to ensure the correctness of the GCom middleware, you must implement a test application (a chat or shared whiteboard application is a good choice for this type of application, but if you have more creative ideas, come by our office and discuss it with us!). You must also implement a debug application, that allows you to simulate dropped, rearranged, or delayed packages, as this will allow you to test whether your message ordering modules and reliable multicasting modules are working correctly.

Note that it is perfectly fine to let the test and debug application be one and the same application, although it is nicer from a software engineering point of view if you keep them separated logically. You have to agree that regular users do not want to get a full debugging view when they start a program, so if you make a combined test and debug application, at least keep the functionality separated so the debug view can be enabled upon request, rather than always enabled.

Your test application will (together with your debug utility) be used during your practical demonstration of this project. It is hence paramount that you not only implement GCom, but also clearly are able to demonstrate that your implementation is correct. This should be obvious, as you probably want to convince yourselves that your solution is correct before attempting to convince the teachers.

The debug utility and test application (combined) must clearly demonstrate at least:


You are free to use any tools you want for this project, in fact, selection of appropriate tools is considered part of the assignment. You will however have to motivate your choice of tools with respect to, and in terms of, what you expect to learn from this course and project. If you find a tool (there exists quite a few) that solves the assignment with little or no effort from your side, you are naturally not allowed to use it. (One such tool is for example JGroup) You are of course allowed to use documentation and research papers from existing solutions when designing GCom. As middleware-development is part of the course focus, you are not allowed to implement GCom using TCP/IP sockets.

More specifically:


Some helpful hints:

Assignment Levels

This project is divided into three levels and each student group chooses which level of functionality to implement themselves. Solving a higher level may award bonus points to the exam. In order to receive bonus points your project must be graded G. It is also possible to get the points if you get a K or O, if all errors are resolved on the subsequent hand-in. See Bonus points for more information.

Level 1

This level is mandatory for all project groups. The following must be implemented and demonstrated:

In addition, you must demonstrate your solution to the tutors and hand in a complete report fulfilling the requirements below.

Level 2

Everything on level 1 and:

In order to pass level 2, everything on level 1 must work correctly.

Level 3

Everything on level 2 and:

In order to pass level 3, everything on level 1 and 2 must work correctly.

If you attempt to solve this level, you must come by our office and explain your approach. Bring your idea in writing (images preferred). This is to avoid misunderstandings that end up costing your group important time that would be better spent testing and maintaining your code on level 1 and 2.


As an aid in planning your work, this project is divided into two deliverables. Read both the specification and the suggested literature carefully before starting to work on deliverable 1.

Deliverable 1 - Analysis and Design

You must include at least the following sections:

Deliverable 2 - Implementation and full report


Deadline for handing in solutions are found in the course schedule. Late submissions will automatically fail!

The project consists of three to four hand-ins:

  1. Written hand-in of deliverable 1.
  2. Written hand-in of deliverable 2 (complete report) and implementation.
  3. Demo of your system.
  4. Any additional hand-ins of steps 1 - 3.


During your demo, you will need to convince the teachers that your implementation works. Bring a test protocol, i.e., a series of tests that clearly demonstrates that your GCom fulfills the requirements and a test tool which can be used to apply it. The test protocol should include, e.g., tests of all message orders and multicast types. Bring a copy of the test protocol on paper, see page 491 in [DS] for suggested notation. Your test protocol must clearly state your names, user names, and which level you intend to demonstrate.


A written presentation of your results is an important part of the project. This is true not only for this project, but in virtually any software development process. People lacking the skills required to communicate the results of their work (verbally and in writing) will find it difficult to work in the software industry. The purpose of the report is hence not to make the teachers happy, but to improve your communication skills.

Try to focus on the specific characteristics of this project when you write the report. Do not follow some predefined outline from some previous course for the report, just for the sake of it -- at this point in your education, you are more than able to decide which parts are important and which could be left out. As this project emphasizes analysis and investigation of a loosely specified problem, include any assumptions you made during the analysis phase in your report. Also discuss problems encountered and alternative solutions considered in the analysis. The report should also discuss to what extent the requirement list is fulfilled, as well as to which extent you could adhere to the the project plan.

Try to maintain a focus on readability while writing the report. Make the description of your system as clear as possible, and consider your report's level of detail. Your report is the first impression users (and teachers) get of your system. Ensure that figures and diagrams are easy to read. Proof-read your report carefully and use spelling-checking tools (for the LaTeX crowd, use "aspell --lang=en_US -c filename.tex" -- nice typesetting does not make spelling mistakes less of a distraction).

To make it easier for us to test your implementation, state the complete command line required to execute your solution on the front page of the report.

Bonus Points

The project for this course can give bonus points to the exam. The points can be used to get a higher grade (4 or 5), but not to pass (grade 3).

To clarify: you need to get at least 30 points on the exam to pass it. Any bonus points from the assignment can only be used to get a higher grade once you pass.

Any bonus points obtained only count during the three exams offered for the course during the next 12 months, not for later offerings of the course.
