Department of Computing Science Umeå University

Student Conference: Submission Guidelines

Student Conference: Submission Guidelines


Authors must submit two carbon (!) copies of each type of submission to the programme committee chair on or before the respective deadlines. In addition we require electronic submission of each deliverable as a PDF file.

All deliverables, except deliverable 1, must be prepared with the LaTeX typesetting system. All deliverables, except deliverable 1, must furthermore follow certain formatting guidelines. To make this task easier, we provide templates and examples for doing so in the Downloads section.

Please do not add an extra cover sheet. Your name, e-mail address and paper title are visible on the first page anyway.

Deliverable 4a must also be submitted as LaTeX source file(s). It is the responsibility of the author to make sure that all documents and necessary files are accessible and readable using common hard- and software.

All work you produce during this course (intermediate results as well as deliverables) will be checked with respect to plagiarism. Make sure you understand what plagiarism is and how you can avoid it.

Guidelines for each type of submission

For more detailed advice on technical writing attend the lectures and check out the resources in Resources section.

Authors of accepted full papers will be notified by e-mail. All accepted contributions will be made available in the Advance Program. If your outline is available in HTML or PDF format it will be linked to the Advance Program.

Authors of accepted full papers are expected to adjust their submission according to the comments of the reviewers and submit a final paper to the Program Committee. The final versions of all accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings. The proceedings of the conference will be published as a Technical Report of the Department Computing Science and made available for all participants at the conference.

All authors of accepted full papers are expected to give an oral talk at the conference. Depending on the number of participants, we will have different kinds of talks. The best papers will receive 30 minutes of time (max. 25 minutes talk + 5 minutes discussion). The remaining papers will receive shorter timeslots.

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