Department of Computing Science Umeå University

Student Conference: Call for Contributions

Umeå's Student Conference in Computing Science

Umeå, Sweden, May/June, Annually



The Student Conference is the final event of our "conference course" (Student Conference in Computing Science). This course is a practical introduction for students interested in research and also a good preparation for the thesis work. The course introduces students to

The objective of the conference is to give students a forum, where they can actively participate in scientific research and development. The conference course will bring together students and lecturers from different fields of the computing sciences present at Umeå University to promote interdisciplinary discussions. The course leads to a "real" conference to provide a realistic environment for the presentation of the results. OOPS! Real means that we publish a conference proceedings, which will contain all accepted contributions.

All deliverables are written in English. The conference language is English.


The conference is open to submissions in any field of Computing Science. However, please note that all topics require approval by the responsible teacher(s) (see deliverable 1 in the submission guidelines). For details on topic selection, please check the section Organisation.

Important Dates

All important dates (lectures, deadlines for deliverables, etc.) can be found in the schedule of the current course offering).

Please Note

Please make sure to read and understand the submission guidelines. Submission not following these guidelines will not be accepted.

Late submissions will not be accepted. However, submissions may very well be made in advance of the deadlines.

Make sure to consult some of the references and resources in the Resources section.

Any kind of suspected plagiarism will be forwarded to the universities disciplinary board. You are required to carefully read our honour code (available here) and contact us in case of any question. We accept no excuses regarding the rules stated in the honour code.

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