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Teknisk-naturvetenskaplig fakultet
Institutionen för datavetenskap

Assignment 1

Due date: 17:00 February 10th 2006


Noise reduction is an essential task in nearly all forms of image analysis. A robust noise filter is often explicitly stated as a prerequisite for other processing components in image analysis systems.
Faulty sensors, overheated hardware and electromagnetic interference are but a few of all possible noise sources that are encountered daily in most forms of image acquisition processes.


You are given seven images: five are noisy versions of the standard Lena image and two are photographs of the course textbook. For each image
  • Evaluate and classify the noise in the image
  • Reduce the noise by using Matlab to what you perceive as acceptable levels (for further processing)
  • Present and evaluate your results

    Present your solution in a written report, complete with source code and filtered images.
    Your sourcecode should also be available in binary form on your CS UNIX account under the path


    A correct solution without a satisfactory explanation will not pass grading - make sure you demonstrate your ability to understand the noise processes and the methods used to counteract them.

    Note: On your reports front page you should include

  • Course name
  • Assignment number
  • Version
  • Date
  • Student name & email
  • Tutor name

    Be prepared to present and defend your work verbally.

    This assignment is to be carried out individually.

    Your solution must conform to the following architecture in order to be graded:

    Your approach to problem A should be located in a file called lab1a.m, problem B in lab1b.m etc. (as indicated in the table below)
    Problem Procedure stubs Images
    A lab1a.m lena1a.tif
    B lab1b.m lena1b.tif
    C lab1c.m lena1c.tif
    D lab1d.m lena1d.tif
    E lab1e.m lena1e.tif
    F lab1f.m book1.jpg
    G lab1g.m book2.jpg


    Tutoring by appointment.
    You are welcome to post questions via email at all times but prompt replies are not guaranteed outside office hours.