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Teknisk-naturvetenskaplig fakultet
Institutionen för datavetenskap

Some advice on "OOPU":ing

Tug of war picture

Although the OOPU covers pretty much all instances of Software Engineering, the main focus is on Object Oriented Analysis and Design. Since the students are to form small "companies" that are contracted by the instructors to conduct software projects, most of the needed Analysis and Design will occur in the first half of the course. This is where the emphasis lies. A completed implementation is less important (a working prototype is nice to have though). If one wants to be sure to pass the course, ones team should concentrate their effort on the first half of the course and produce sound and thorough deliveries covering that effort. If one by force of habit focuses on a complete and perfectly working implementation of the contracted piece of software and neglects remaining aspects of project-handling, handing in thin and sloppy deliveries, ones team runs the risk of flunking the course.

Here follows some advice I and my team (Void) learned the hard way when we took the course back in -96 (I have also included some afterthoughts I made as teaching assistant in -98):

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