
The course literature is comprised of selected research papers outlining the main topics of the course.

Please note that the course literature covers large parts but not all of the course content. Some material is only covered in lectures, and other parts are only covered in the course literature.


NOTE: More papers may be added as the course progresses.

Intensive Reading

RESTful Web Services vs. "Big" Web Services: Making the Right Architectural Decision
Handbook of Applied Cryptography, Chapter 1 (webpage)
Cloud Computing and Grid Computing 360-Degree Compared
BOINC: A System for Public-Resource Computing and Storage
A View of Cloud Computing
A Survey and Comparison of Peer-to-Peer Overlay Network Schemes

Extensive Reading

Why is the Web Loosely Coupled? A Multi-Faceted Metric for Service Design

Privacy and Authentication: An Introduction to Cryptography
New Directions in Cryptography
Ten Risks of PKI: What You’re not Being Told about Public Key Infrastructure
Self-Study Course in Block Cipher Cryptanalysis
Next generation security for wireless: elliptic curve cryptography
High-speed hardware implementations of Elliptic Curve Cryptography: A survey
Strong Authentication for RFID Systems Using the AES Algorithm

Mechanisms for High Throughput Computing
Condor - A Hunter of Idle Workstations

SoftUDC: A Software-Based Data Center for Utility Computing
1000 islands: an integrated approach to resource management for virtualized data centers
Cloud-Scale Resource Management: Challenges and Techniques
The Vision of Autonomic Computing
The Future of Cloud Computing - Opportunities for European Cloud Computing Beyond 2010 (sections II-III)
Advances in Clouds: Research in Future Cloud Computing (intro + sections I-III)
Auto-scaling Techniques for Elastic Applications in Cloud Environments

Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications
Privacy-Preserving P2P Data Sharing with OneSwarm
Paxos Made Live - An Engineering Perspective
Tahoe – The Least-Authority Filesystem
Kademlia: A Peer-to-Peer Information System Based on the XOR Metric
Incentives Build Robustness in BitTorrent
Do incentives build robustness in BitTorrent?

Useful links

Axis2 API documentation
Restlet API documentation