
The course literature is comprised of handouts and selected research papers that illustrate the main topics of the course.

Please note that the course literature covers large parts but not all of the course content. Some material is only covered in lectures, and other parts are only covered in the course literature.

Textbook (optional)

There is no official textbook for the course. Students will be provided supporting reading material for the topics covered on lectures. The book Distributed Systems, 5th ed. by Coulouris, Dollimore, Kindberg, and Blair (Addison-Wesley/Pearson Education) covers large parts of the contents of the course but not everything.


NOTE: More papers may be added as the course progresses.

Intensive Reading

Thinking Clearly About Performance
Paxos Made Simple
The Part-Time Partliament
Erasure Coding vs. Replication: A Quantitative Comparison
Understanding replication in databases and distributed systems
CAP Twelve Years Later: How the “Rules” Have Changed
Three-Phase Commit Protocol
Distributed Deadlock Detection

Extensive Reading

A Tutorial on Reed–Solomon Coding for Fault-Tolerance in RAID-like Systems
Spanner: Google’s Globally-Distributed Database
Causal Consistency (blog)

Useful links