Tutorial 1 - SOAP Web Services

2008-11-11, 10:15

The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce the students to Web Services development using the preconfigured Axis2 development environment supplied in the course. During the tutorial, a teacher will be present to help with any practical issues that may arise.

In this tutorial, you will use an example Web Service and extend the capabilities or the service client and implementation in gradual increments.
If you finish the tutorial ahead of time, you are recommended to get started on assignment 1.

Your will not be graded on your work in this tutorial.

Development Environment

Download your development environment package from the download directory and install it using the instructions found on the development environment page.

Tutorial steps

  1. download, install, and familiarize yourself with the development environment
  2. download, install, deploy, and test the hello world example Web Service
  3. download the WSDL XML Schema and validate your service WSDL (optional)
  4. download the Apache TCP Monitor and use it to inspect the SOAP traffic between client and service
  5. extend the hello world web service to include a method named "sayHello" that uses the same parameter format as greet()
  6. create a service client that uses the sayHello() method
  7. change the parameter format of sayHello() to use a new datatype of your own design
  8. extend the service to have two new methods, one that uses a single parameter and one that uses arrays of your data type
  9. investigate how to invoke your web service using HTTPS
  10. investigate how to generate service client stubs