9 Grading System

This course has two parts (moment in Swedish), a conceptual part (teoridelen in Swedish and an exercise part (laborationsmoment in Swedish). However, unlike most other courses offered by the Department of Computing Science, separate grades are not reported to the administration for each of these parts. Rather, there is only one combined grade for these two parts, and both must be completed for the same offering of the course. Thus, it is not possible to complete the two parts of the course in different years. To obtain a passing grade for the course, the student must earn the grade of at least 3 on the conceptual part and the grade of S (satisfactory) on the exercise part.

The only possible grades for the exercise part are S (Satisfactory; G=Godkänd in Swedish) and U (Unsatisfactory, Underkänd in Swedish). The grade on this part will be determined entirely by five obligatory exercises. Each will be graded as S (Satisfactory) or U (Unsatisfactory). To obtain the grade of S for the exercise part of the course, it is both necessary and sufficient to obtain the grade of S on all five exercises. In addition, for each exercise it will be possible to earn a maximum of 40 quality points. These points will be assigned based upon the overall quality and correctness of the work. Thus, a maximum of 200 points may be earned on the five exercises. Quality points will be assigned only in the case that solutions are clearly expressed and in large part correct. They will not represent a detailed assessment of partial correctness.

The examination will have a total of 1000 points.

The final point total F for the course is computed as

F = max  (E,   0.8 × E  + L)

with E the number points earned on the examination, L the number of points earned on the obligatory exercises. The final grade on the conceptual part of the course is computed as follows.

Number of points

F 800 5 (med beröm godkänd – excellent)

650 F < 800 4 (icke utan beröm godkänd – very good)

500 F < 650 3 (godkänd – satisfactory)

F < 500 U (underkänd – unsatisfactory)

In addition, to pass the course, a minimum of 500 points on the examination is necessary, regardless of how many points are earned on the exercises. Thus, exercise points can only be used to increase the grade from 3 to 4, or from 4 to 5. They cannot be used to rescue a performance of less than 50% on the examination.