10 Grading System

There will be a total of 1000 points in the course grading system. These points will be distributed as follows.

Problem exercises (6 @ 50 points each): 300 points
Obligatory software exercises (3 @ 100 points each): 300 points
Final examination: 400 points

Grade boundaries are as follows:

Number p of points

p 800 5 (med beröm godkänd – excellent)

650 p 800 4 (icke utan beröm godkänd – very good)

500 p 650 3 (godkänd – satisfactory)

p < 500 U (underkänd – unsatisfactory)

In addition, it is necessary to receive at least 100 points on the final examination in order to pass the course.

The final examination is offered on three different dates. Examinations may be written until a passing grade is obtained. However, once a passing grade is obtained, it is not permitted to write an additional examination in order to improve it.