My homepage - Final paper - Source code - Specification (swe)

Here I present my master thesis project, developed under 2002/2003. I have built a simulator for an autonomous forwarder in Matlab, with algorithms for avoiding obstacles and following a predfined path. The source code and the final paper can be downloaded here.

Author: Ola Ringdahl,
More about me (in Swedish).


The work presented in this thesis is a part of the IFOR project at Umeå University. It consists of implementing a simulator for an autonomous forest machine (a forwarder). The simulator is able to use Follow The Carrot and Pure Pursuit to follow a predefined path. To avoid obstacles it can use VFH or VFH+ methods. The simulator has a Graphical User Interface so the user can make all necessary adjustment in an easy way. The actual simulation is also presented graphicly. The simulator is built using Matlab.


 My homepage - Final paper - Source code - Specification (swe)
Last updated 2003-04-08