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Measuring the textures in Image with tex2html_wrap_inline505 yields the following results:


If the distances between the same textures are measured with tex2html_wrap_inline431 the following result is obtained:


The results are confirmed with tex2html_wrap_inline545 which gives:


That is, texture A and C are the most similar ones and textures A and B the least similar ones.

The final test of the metrics was to generate 100 triples of the kind that is shown in Image , and then to calculate the most and least similar textures. This was correlated to the ground truth and the following results were obtained


The human classification is performed in the same way as the automatic ones, that is to identify the most and least similar textures.

The probability of picking the most similar pair (or least similar at random is tex2html_wrap_inline567 and the probability of picking both is tex2html_wrap_inline569 .

Fredrik Georgsson
Wed Feb 25 12:35:37 MET 1998