Department of Computing Science Umeå University


This page shows how to acquire a certificate. You will need a certificate in order to solve the assignments.

  1. Log on to
  2. Source the required environment variables:
    For (t)csh:
    source /opt/globus/4.0.1/etc/globus-user-env.csh
    For (ba)sh:
    export GLOBUS_LOCATION=/opt/globus/4.0.1
  3. Run grid-cert-request -ca -interactive
  4. Select the CA that belongs to the department of computing science.
  5. Enter your name, but exchange any occurences of åäö to aao.
  6. Enter a good password.
  7. Press return to answer questions stating "do not change". Enter your name and email where requested (åäö -> aao here too).
  8. Mail the certificate request to according to the displayed instructions.
Your certificate will be signed and returned in an email. Save your signed certificate (attached in the email) in the file ~/.globus/usercert.pem
Ansvarig för sidan: Erik Elmroth, P-O Östberg, Johan Tordsson
Senast ändrad 2007-01-29