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May 12, 2006


Martin S
1. Where did it all start? How can anyone be stupid enough to think
that free information access automatically changes the world into a
better place?

2. 20 years have passed since Winners article. Are we happier now
compared with then? Sure we love our iPods but aren't we living a more
hectic life now due to mobility and information availability?

Stefan Z
1. Is it a good thing introduce “electronic information systems” in all human activities?

2. Where is the revolution? Has it begun or is it already over? If it is over: What happened and why

Olle H
1. "Information will become the dominant form of wealth". One example of
this is the stock market where information constitutes power. But can
information also be seen as a burdon in some situations? Where and why?

2. Winner talks about televisions role in politics: "passive monitoring of
electronic news and information allows citizens to feel involved while
dampening the desire to take an active part".
From the early 80:s there has been a trend of a decrease in the number
of people voting in the elections in Sweden, can this be the result of
the "information revolution"?

1. Will we drown in the flood of information?

2. Do we have more time for our interests, now that machines can do a lot of our work? Sov gott! /Hanna

Samuel S
1. Was the mythinformation as Winner called the several freaks’ ideas
about the future ("the almost religious conviction that a widespread
adoption of computers and communications systems along with easy access
to electronic information will automatically produce a better world for
human living") far from the truth, if compared with today’s society?

2. How is it with the “threat to privacy” issue today, can we as users
of the internet be tracked all the time?, ex google mail, google
calendar and perhaps google maps connected to GPS.

Posted by top at May 12, 2006 09:39 AM


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