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May 17, 2006

The schedule for the discussions based on your drafts on friday is now online

The schedule for the discussions based on your drafts on friday is now online:

Posted by top at 04:55 PM | Comments (0)

May 12, 2006

Ass 1: some of you still have not passed

some of you have forgotten (?) to notify me about any updated versions of your ass 1 reports. You can see who by checking if you have passed (got a "G") ass 1 or not on this page:


You need to send me an email when you have a new version of the ass 1 report adjusted according to my comments. My guess is that most of you have done the adjustments but have forgotten to tell me about it. Don't forget to send me a link to the report!

Posted by top at 05:48 PM | Comments (0)


1. As staed by wilnner, is it true that easy access to information will make better world? what about privacy of a person?

2.As stated computers changed our lives in many ways, but can we call this a revolution? and what will be the conclusion for this revolution?

Posted by ens05rda at 03:00 PM | Comments (0)

Question (Winner)

1. What is Winners thesis?

2. What is information, differ yours deffinition from the one Winner uses?

/Daniel Lindblom

Posted by dit02iin at 02:50 PM | Comments (0)


Ques 1:
Do any one thinks that all kinds of information could be accessed through a single media,For EG:Through Mobile?How is revolution could be focused or initiated?

Ques 2:
DO the Computer based revolution(based on Tech) can solve anything critical?If it is so how it could be done without getting help from other professional?

Posted by int05dry at 01:55 PM | Comments (0)


1. Isn´t the world revolution too strong to use, when it comes to the increasing use of computers? Isn´t computers just an aid to make things easier?

2. Can you blame the high unemployment in Sweden on computers? had there been more jobs without "the computer revolution"?


Posted by ens01pnn at 11:01 AM | Comments (0)


Martin S
1. Where did it all start? How can anyone be stupid enough to think
that free information access automatically changes the world into a
better place?

2. 20 years have passed since Winners article. Are we happier now
compared with then? Sure we love our iPods but aren't we living a more
hectic life now due to mobility and information availability?

Stefan Z
1. Is it a good thing introduce “electronic information systems” in all human activities?

2. Where is the revolution? Has it begun or is it already over? If it is over: What happened and why

Olle H
1. "Information will become the dominant form of wealth". One example of
this is the stock market where information constitutes power. But can
information also be seen as a burdon in some situations? Where and why?

2. Winner talks about televisions role in politics: "passive monitoring of
electronic news and information allows citizens to feel involved while
dampening the desire to take an active part".
From the early 80:s there has been a trend of a decrease in the number
of people voting in the elections in Sweden, can this be the result of
the "information revolution"?

1. Will we drown in the flood of information?

2. Do we have more time for our interests, now that machines can do a lot of our work? Sov gott! /Hanna

Samuel S
1. Was the mythinformation as Winner called the several freaks’ ideas
about the future ("the almost religious conviction that a widespread
adoption of computers and communications systems along with easy access
to electronic information will automatically produce a better world for
human living") far from the truth, if compared with today’s society?

2. How is it with the “threat to privacy” issue today, can we as users
of the internet be tracked all the time?, ex google mail, google
calendar and perhaps google maps connected to GPS.

Posted by top at 09:39 AM | Comments (0)


1. In the article,”knowledge” and ”information” are commonly used. In Winner’s list of political arguments of “computer romantics”, one post says “information is knowledge”.
When could “knowledge” and “information” be said to be the same thing?

2. Winner is stating that information does not lead to increased power and democracy, in opposite to one of the sources that says “As everybody knows, knowledge is power”.
How are information and power connected to one another?

Posted by dit01apm at 09:28 AM | Comments (0)

May 11, 2006


1. Winner mention the problem of privacy when it comes to leaving digitized footprints and the violations to one's personal life that might occour. If this omnipresent surveillance becomes reality, will the boundrais of privacy still be the same? How much surveillance will people accept?

2. Do you - at least partly - believe in the concept of mythinformation (":the almost religious conviction that a widespread adoption of computers and communications system along with easy access to electronic information will automatically produce a better world for human living") or are the effects only negative?

Posted by dit02iin at 11:16 PM | Comments (0)

Questions for the seminar

Q1: Winner says that the point of many applications is to eliminate social layers and places where people meet, talk and socialize. Are there fewer places today where people meet and socialize and/or do "meetings" over the Internet nowadays count as "real" meetings?

Q2: Some people said that all parts of human life can be adapted to the speedy processes of digitized information processing, e.g. "running a household is actually like running a small buisness". Do you have anything in your life that you apply this way of thinking to?

Q3: Was it a good move by Nintendo to change the name of the upcomming console from "Revolution" to "wii"? with this article in mind and all things that come with the term "revolution".

Posted by dit02esn at 10:49 PM | Comments (0)

Questions for the seminar

The upsides of the technology may actually cost us parts of our freedom, has this happened and does it scare us? And if it has happened, do we just accept it or are we fighting it!?

Winner states a possible dawn of a cultural renaissance may this renaissance the political and cultural movement around piracy and free culture?

//Anders Moberg, dit02amg

Posted by dit01dml at 09:42 PM | Comments (0)

Discussion questions

My questions regarding Friday discussion...

1) What could be possible ends of the "information revolution" we live in?
2) How it is with the access to the information and social power? In the light of restrictions in North Korea, Belarus, China etc.?

Posted by ens05vjn at 07:30 PM | Comments (0)

May 10, 2006

Questions for seminar

Here are my questions for friday's seminar:

1. Is Winner's view/definition of a revolution similar to or different to our own views/definitions of it? In what way?

2. Winner's prediction of future application areas of computers today seems pretty accurate. Many of the things he mentions (e.g. e-mail, electronic newspapers, computerized yellow pages etc.) are now widely spread and commonly used, but have they changed our way of living enough to be called a revolution?

Posted by dit01dml at 08:40 PM | Comments (0)

New interesting seminar in Humlab May 22! New media artist Sachiko Hayashi - Technology as a Medium: Artist as a Consumer

Jim Barrett writes:


> Just as
> some adevrtising for HUMlab. We have new media artist Sachiko
> Hayashi giving a seminar and all are welcome:
> [22 maj kl 13:15]
> Technology as a Medium: Artist as a Consumer
> Sachiko Hayashi
> http://www.e-garde.net/
> Abstract: By presenting some of my works in chronological
> order, my talk will focus on some of the issues I have
> encountered both empirically and theoretically as an artist
> with a main interest in interactive media. Some philosophical
> and ideological background of the medium as well as certain
> methods utilised in my works will be touched upon during the seminar.
> Keywords: Xanadu, hypermedia, non-linear narratives and sampling.
> Cheers
> Jim

Posted by top at 10:19 AM

May 08, 2006

Discussion schedule for friday

The schedule for Friday's discussion centered around Winner's paper (1986) is now online:

Don't forget to post two questions related to the article on the course blog before we meet on Friday!

Posted by top at 02:01 PM

Before Friday: post two questions on the blog!

I want you all to read Winner (1986) and to post two relevant questions on the blog before we meet to discuss the article on Friday.

Example post:
Q1: Are people really using the term "revolution" today, when talking about the emerging information society?
Q2: Are all computer scientists technology geeks?

Information about how you post on the blog has been given to you at the beginning of the course. If you are unsure how to do it, ask a fellow course mate.

Posted by top at 01:54 PM

May 04, 2006

schedule for tuesday's ass 2 presentations online

Dear New Medians,

the presentation schedule for tuesday is now available online:

The names on each presentation might be updated after the delivery of your final ass 2 reports. The order of presentation will however be the one shown.

The presentations should be 10 minutes long, leaving 5 minutes for discussion.

Posted by top at 04:14 PM