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April 13, 2006

General comments on your ass 1 submissions

These comments are a) to be reviewed by you before resubmitting your ass 1 reports (those of you who got an "O", meaning that the report is incomplete), b) to be reviewed by all of you before submitting your ass 2 and ass 3 work.

1) Spell check.

2) Use figures, photos, and tables when appropriate. Especially for summarizing important sections of your document. Sometimes a picture or a table can really say a lot.

3) Make sure the following is included in the very beginning of your report: your full names, _CS_ email addresses (_not_ your yahoo addresses or whatever other email addresses you might have), assignment number, document title, course name, and submission date.

4) Make sure to have a proper reference list in the end of your document to which you refer to from within the text in order to strengthen your argumentation. The reader has to convince the critical reader of your documents about your opinions. Without references to other people and invetsigations that stregthens your points, and/or without a proper argumentation why things should be done in the way you think (or why they are like the way you say they are) your work will have low value scientifically.

5) Your submission should be in an open "online" format, i.e. HTML, PHP, etc. The only exception is PDF which can be considered an offline format but is still acceptable based on its wide use on the web and the fact that readers are free. Microsoft Word is _not_ OK as a submission format.

Posted by top at April 13, 2006 03:22 PM