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Shape Similarity



Input description: Two polygonal shapes, tex2html_wrap_inline30417 and tex2html_wrap_inline30419 .

Problem description: How similar are tex2html_wrap_inline30421 and tex2html_wrap_inline30423 ?

Discussion: Shape similarity is a problem that underlies much of pattern recognition. Consider a system for optical character recognition (OCR). We have a known library of shape models representing letters and the unknown shapes we obtain by scanning a page. We seek to identify an unknown shape by matching it to the most similar shape model.     

The problem of shape similarity is inherently ill-defined, because what ``similar'' means is application dependent. Thus no single algorithmic approach can solve all shape matching problems. Whichever method you select, expect to spend a large chunk of time tweaking it so as to achieve maximum performance. Don't kid yourself - this is a difficult problem.

Among your possible approaches are:

Implementations: The Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator supports many types of networks and training algorithms, as well as sophisticated graphical visualization tools under X11. It has been ported to many flavors of UNIX. It is available for ftp from [] in directory /pub/SNNS as SNNSv4.1.tar.gz (1.4 MB, Source code) and (1 MB, Documentation). It may be best to first have a look at the file SNNSv4.1.Readme. More information can be found in the WWW under   

An alternate distance metric between polygons can be based on its angle turning function [ACH tex2html_wrap_inline32722 91]. An implementation in C of this turning function metric by Eugene K. Ressler is provided on the algorithm repository tex2html_wrap_inline30437 algorith.

Notes: General books on pattern classification algorithms include [DH73, JD88]. A wide variety of computational geometry approaches to shape similarity testing have been proposed, including [AMWW88, ACH tex2html_wrap_inline32722 91, Ata84, AE83, BM89, OW85].

A linear-time algorithm for computing the Hausdorff distance between two convex polygons is given in [Ata83], with algorithms for the general case reported in [HK90].

Related Problems: Graph isomorphism (see page gif), thinning (see page gif).    

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Mon Jun 2 23:33:50 EDT 1997