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Lecture 15 - DFS and BFS

Listen To Part 15-8

23.1-5 - The square of a directed graph G=(V,E) is the graph tex2html_wrap_inline15270 such that tex2html_wrap_inline15272 iff for some tex2html_wrap_inline15274 , both tex2html_wrap_inline15276 and tex2html_wrap_inline15278 ; ie. there is a path of exactly two edges.  

Give efficient algorithms for both adjacency lists and matricies.

Given an adjacency matrix, we can check in constant time whether a given edge exists. To discover whether there is an edge tex2html_wrap_inline15280 , for each possible intermediate vertex v we can check whether (u,v) and (v,w) exist in O(1).

Since there are at most n intermediate vertices to check, and tex2html_wrap_inline15288 pairs of vertices to ask about, this takes tex2html_wrap_inline15290 time.

With adjacency lists, we have a list of all the edges in the graph. For a given edge (u,v), we can run through all the edges from v in O(n) time, and fill the results into an adjacency matrix of tex2html_wrap_inline15296 , which is initially empty.

It takes O(mn) to construct the edges, and tex2html_wrap_inline15300 to initialize and read the adjacency matrix, a total of O((n+m)n). Since tex2html_wrap_inline15304 unless the graph is disconnected, this is usually simplified to O(mn), and is faster than the previous algorithm on sparse graphs.  

Why is it called the square of a graph? Because the square of the adjacency matrix is the adjacency matrix of the square! This provides a theoretically faster algorithm.

Listen To Part 16-10

BFS Trees

If BFS is performed on a connected, undirected graph, a tree is defined by the edges involved with the discovery of new nodes:  

This tree defines a shortest path from the root to every other node in the tree.

The proof is by induction on the length of the shortest path from the root:

Listen To Part 16-11

The key idea about DFS

A depth-first search of a graph organizes the edges of the graph in a precise way.  

In a DFS of an undirected graph, we assign a direction to each edge, from the vertex which discover it:

In a DFS of a directed graph, every edge is either a tree edge or a black edge.

In a DFS of a directed graph, no cross edge goes to a higher numbered or rightward vertex. Thus, no edge from 4 to 5 is possible:

Listen To Part 16-12

Edge Classification for DFS

What about the other edges in the graph? Where can they go on a search?

Every edge is either:

On any particular DFS or BFS of a directed or undirected graph, each edge gets classified as one of the above.

Listen To Part 17-3

DFS Trees

The reason DFS is so important is that it defines a very nice ordering to the edges of the graph.

In a DFS of an undirected graph, every edge is either a tree edge or a back edge.  

Why? Suppose we have a forward edge. We would have encountered (4,1) when expanding 4, so this is a back edge.  

Suppose we have a cross-edge  


Paths in search trees

Where is the shortest path in a DFS?

It could use multiple back and tree edges, where BFS only uses tree edges.

DFS gives a better approximation of the longest path than BFS.

Listen To Part 17-4

Topological Sorting

A directed, acyclic graph is a directed graph with no directed cycles.    

A topological sort of a graph is an ordering on the vertices so that all edges go from left to right.

Only a DAG can have a topological sort.

Any DAG has (at least one) topological sort.

Listen To Part 17-5

Applications of Topological Sorting

Topological sorting is often useful in scheduling jobs in their proper sequence. In general, we can use it to order things given constraints, such as a set of left-right constraints on the positions of objects.

Example: Dressing schedule from CLR.

Example: Identifying errors in DNA fragment assembly.  

Certain fragments are constrained to be to the left or right of other fragments, unless there are errors.

tex2html_wrap15348 tex2html_wrap15350
Solution - build a DAG representing all the left-right constraints. Any topological sort of this DAG is a consistant ordering. If there are cycles, there must be errors.

A DFS can test if a graph is a DAG (it is iff there are no back edges - forward edges are allowed for DFS on directed graph).

Listen To Part 17-6


Theorem: Arranging vertices in decreasing order of DFS finishing time gives a topological sort of a DAG.

Proof: Consider any directed edge u,v, when we encounter it during the exploration of vertex u:

Thus we can do topological sorting in O(n+m) time.

Listen To Part 17-8

Articulation Vertices

Suppose you are a terrorist, seeking to disrupt the telephone network. Which station do you blow up?    

An articulation vertex is a vertex of a connected graph whose deletion disconnects the graph.

Clearly connectivity is an important concern in the design of any network.  

Articulation vertices can be found in O(n(m+n)) - just delete each vertex to do a DFS on the remaining graph to see if it is connected.

Listen To Part 17-9

A Faster O(n+m) DFS Algorithm

Theorem: In a DFS tree, a vertex v (other than the root) is an articulation vertex iff v is not a leaf and some subtree of v has no back edge incident until a proper ancestor of v.

Proof: (1) v is an articulation vertex tex2html_wrap_inline15322 v cannot be a leaf.

Why? Deleting v must seperate a pair of vertices x and y. Because of the other tree edges, this cannot happen unless y is a decendant of v.

Listen To Part 17-10

v separating x,y implies there is no back edge in the subtree of y to a proper ancestor of v.

(2) Conditions tex2html_wrap_inline15324 v is a non-root articulation vertex. v separates any ancestor of v from any decendant in the appropriate subtree.

Actually implementing this test in O(n+m) is tricky - but believable once you accept this theorem.

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Mon Jun 2 09:21:39 EDT 1997