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All-Pairs Shortest Path


If we want to find the length of the shortest path between all tex2html_wrap_inline25422 pairs of vertices, we could run Dijkstra's algorithm n times, once from each possible starting vertex. This yields a cubic time algorithm for all-pairs shortest path, since tex2html_wrap_inline25424 .  

Can we do better? Significantly improving the complexity is still an open question, but there is a superslick dynamic programming algorithm that also runs in tex2html_wrap_inline25426 .  

There are several ways to characterize the shortest path between two nodes in a graph. The Floyd-Warshall algorithm starts by numbering the vertices of the graph from 1 to n. We use these numbers here not to label the vertices, but to order them. Define tex2html_wrap_inline25428 to be the length of the shortest path from i to j using only vertices numbered from 1, 2,..., k as possible intermediate vertices.

What does this mean? When k = 0, we are allowed no intermediate vertices, so that every path consists of at most one edge. Thus tex2html_wrap_inline25434 . In general, adding a new vertex k+1 as a possible intermediary helps only if there is a short path that goes through it, so


This recurrence performs only a constant amount of work per cell. The following dynamic programming algorithm implements the recurrence:


Let tex2html_wrap_inline25436 , the weight matrix of G

for k=1 to n

for i=1 to n

for j=1 to n


The Floyd-Warshall all-pairs shortest path runs in tex2html_wrap_inline25446 time, which asymptotically is no better than n calls to Dijkstra's algorithm. However, the loops are so tight and the program so short that it runs better in practice. It is also notable as one of the rare algorithms that work better on adjacency matrices than adjacency lists.

Mon Jun 2 23:33:50 EDT 1997