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Kruskal's Algorithm


Kruskal's algorithm is an alternative approach to finding minimum spanning trees that is more efficient on sparse graphs. Like Prim's, Kruskal's algorithm is greedy; unlike Prim's, it does not start with a particular vertex.  

Kruskal's algorithm works by building up connected components of the vertices. Initially, each vertex forms its own separate component in the tree-to-be. The algorithm repeatedly considers the lightest remaining edge and tests whether the two endpoints lie within the same connected component. If so, the edge will be discarded, because adding it will create a cycle in the tree-to-be. If the endpoints are in different components, we insert the edge and merge the components. Since each connected component is always a tree, we need never explicitly test for cycles:


Put the edges in a priority queue ordered by weight.


while (count < n-1) do

get next edge (v,w)

if (component (v) tex2html_wrap_inline25329 component(w))

add to tex2html_wrap_inline25331

merge component(v) and component(w)

This algorithm adds n-1 edges without creating a cycle, so clearly it creates a spanning tree of any connected graph. But why must this be a minimum spanning tree? Suppose it wasn't. As with the correctness proof of Prim's algorithm, there must be some graph for which it fails, and in particular there must a single edge (x,y) whose insertion first prevented the tree tex2html_wrap_inline25335 from being a minimum spanning tree tex2html_wrap_inline25337 . Inserting edge (x,y) in tex2html_wrap_inline25341 will create a cycle with the path from x to y. Since x and y were in different components at the time of inserting (x,y), at least one edge on this path tex2html_wrap_inline25345 would have been considered by Kruskal's algorithm after (x,y) was. But this means that tex2html_wrap_inline25349 , so exchanging the two edges yields a tree of weight at most tex2html_wrap_inline25351 . Therefore, we could not have made a mistake in selecting (x,y), and the correctness follows.

What is the time complexity of Kruskal's algorithm? Inserting and retrieving m edges from a priority queue such as a heap takes tex2html_wrap_inline25355 time. The while loop makes at most m iterations, each testing the connectivity of two trees plus an edge. In the most simple-minded approach, this can be implemented by a breadth-first or depth-first search in a graph with at most n edges and n vertices, thus yielding an O(mn) algorithm.

However, a faster implementation would result if we could implement the component test in faster than O(n) time. In fact, the union-find data structure, discussed in Section gif, can support such queries in tex2html_wrap_inline25361 time. With this data structure, Kruskal's algorithm runs in tex2html_wrap_inline25363 time, which is faster than Prim's for sparse graphs. Observe again the impact that the right data structure can have in implementing a straightforward algorithm.

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Mon Jun 2 23:33:50 EDT 1997