Department of Computing Science Umeå University

Assignments & Laboration Environment


The course examination is made up by four mandatory assignments. The assignments have been developed to cover separate parts of the course curriculum, and aim to represent tasks common to commercial web development. The assignments are to be solved using the technologies covered in the course (e.g., Java, JSP, XML, XML Schema, and Web Services) and handed in at the due dates indicated in the course schedule.

Assigment and course grades

For a "pass" grade (G), students need to receive at least the mark (G) on all four assignments. For a "pass with distintion" grade (VG), students need to receive the mark (VG) on at least three out of four assignments. The final course grade is set after reviewing all student assignment solutions - students with four (VG) assignment marks will receive the course grade (VG), students with three (VG) assignment marks may receive the course grade (VG).
Assignments are individually graded on quality and quantity of (architectural) design, implementation, documentation, and overall impression.
Assignment solutions handed in without proper documentation will not receive a mark higher than (G).

Due to problems with the assignments results page, the following system is used to distinguish between the grades G and VG:

Mark Grade
G (0p) G
G (1p) VG

Laboration Environment

For the assignments in this course you will use a provided laboration environment. This environment consists of a preconfigured version of Tomcat, which has been bundled with Axis2, Derby, Ant, and an SSL keystore for using HTTPS.

Installing the environment

Each student gets a zip-file named after the students user account to download from this location. Download the zip-file and unpack it at a location of your choosing on the computer you wish to use for the assignments. If you are unable to find a zip-file with your username, contact one of the teachers as soon as possible - do NOT use someone elses package. Each student will also receive a unique port mapping to use if the environment package is to be used on the CS computers.

When unpacking the zip-file a directory structure containing a folder named 5dv093 is created. This is the root folder for your laboration environment and contains (among others) the following files:

5dv093/                                                     <- Your laboration environment root folder
       apache-ant-1.7.0/                                    <- Apache Ant (do not modify)
       apache-tomcat-6.0.16/                                <- Apache Tomcat
                            conf/                           <- Apache Tomcat configuration directory
                                 server.xml                 <- Apache Tomcat configuration file
                                 server.xml.cs              <-         - " -   for use on CS machines
                                 server.xml.home            <-         - " -   for home use
                            webapps/                        <- web application directory (place lecture example web applications here)
                                    axis2/                  <- Axis2 home (web service engine)
                                          WEB-INF/services  <- web service directory (place lecture example and assignment web services here)
                build.xml                                   <- Ant build file for your web application

                src/                                        <- place Java source code for your assignments here
                update-windows.bat                          <- update script for Windows environments
                                     <-    -  "  -        MacOS X environments
                                   <-    -  "  -        UNIX / Linux environments
                web/                                        <- web application source (JSP files etc)
                    assignment1/                            <- place your solution to assignment 1 here
                    assignment2/                            <-           -  "  -                 2 here
                    assignment3/                            <-           -  "  -                 3 here
                    assignment4/                            <-           -  "  -                 4 here
                    dist/                                   <- generated by the update scripts
                         username.war                       <- web application archive

                    index.jsp                               <- your web application index page
                            lib                             <- place (distributed) JAR-files for assignments here
where username is the students username.

Using the environment

When starting Tomcat (by running the update script), a web application archive named username.war is created in the 5dv093/username/dist/ directory. This web application automatically gets deployed into Tomcat (which is restared by the update script) and you can access it through a web browser by surfing to the URL http://localhost:8080/username
This web application archive is what you are required to hand in as solutions to the assignments. Note that one web application per student is created, not one per assignment.

So, in short: when developing the web pages:

  1. Edit the JSP pages in 5dv093/username/web
  2. Run the update script (the one selected for your operating system)
  3. Reload the web page in your browser

Installing Java

In order to use the laboration environment, you will need to install Java (version 1.6 or later). If installing Java on your Windows PC, use Suns Java JDK v1.6. This is (as of late May 2008) the latest stable release of Suns JDK. Keep the default install path for Java: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_06\ and use all other default values in the installation process as well.


The JAVA_HOME environment variable allows Tomcat to locate and determine which version of Java to use. The update scripts in the environment attempts to set JAVA_HOME to a predefined value:
Windows (all versions)
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_06
MacOS X (version 1.5 with Java 1.6 update)
For earlier versions of MacOS X (or MacOS X 1.5 without the Java 1.6 update), contact one of the teachers for details on how to custom build a package). If you have a different version of Java, or have installed Java in a custom location, you will have to update the JAVA_HOME portion in the update scripts.
The update scripts are regular text files, simply replace the path on the JAVA_HOME line with the path to your Java installation location using an editor of your choosing.

Using the environment on CS computers

If you use the environment on the CS computers you will not need to install or configure Java (as it is already installed). The Tomcat configuration file server.xml.cs has been preconfigured to contain unique port numbers for your user, if you choose to use the CS computers to do the assignments, we recommed you copy the server.xml.cs onto server.xml to avoid port conflicts.

Manually changing the Tomcat port

In addition to the tip with using a preconfigured configuration file above, you can alter the Tomcat configuration file and specify another port manually. Simply search and replace 8080 by the port number you wish to use in the Tomcat configuration file (apache-tomcat-6.0.16/conf/server.xml). If you wish to avoid a conflict for HTTPS we also recommend that you replace 8443 with another port number of your choosing. Note that you need to select a port numbers higher than 1023 on UNIX (and mac) systems (as they are reserved for the root user).


2008-06-26: Due to a configuration problem, the ant build file (5dv093/username/build.xml) in the environment will need to be updated if you have downloaded the environment prior to 2008-06-26. The easiest way to do this is to open the file 5dv093/username/build.xml in a text editor and replace some lines as follows:
----------------- start of text to remove -----------------

    <pathelement location="lib/j2ee.jar"/>
    <pathelement location="web/WEB-INF/lib/assignment1.jar"/>
    <pathelement location="web/WEB-INF/lib/assignment2.jar"/>
    <pathelement location="web/WEB-INF/lib/assignment3.jar"/>
    <pathelement location="web/WEB-INF/lib/assignment4.jar"/>
    <pathelement location="web/WEB-INF/lib/assignment5.jar"/>

-----------------  end of text to remove  -----------------

----------------- start of text to insert -----------------

    <fileset dir="lib">
      <include name="*.jar"/>
    <fileset dir="web/WEB-INF/lib">
      <include name="*.jar"/>

-----------------  end of text to insert  -----------------
This update allows the build environment to include the assignment jars in the web application when writing Java code directly (instead of in JSP). Alternatively, you can download the environment anew, and reinstall it (all of the zip-files now contain this fix). Note that if you reinstall the environment, you will naturally have to save your work and copy the files you have worked on into the new environment manually.


Having problems installing or using the environment? Contact one of the teachers!
Ansvarig för sidan: P-O Östberg
Senast ändrad 2008-08-08