Institutionen för datavetenskap Umeå Universitet

Webbutveckling med Java, JSP och Web Services, sommaren 2008

Lärare och handledare


Utdelat material

Obligatoriska uppgifter
Användning av datorresurser vid Datavetenskap
Laboration 1
Laboration 2
Laboration 3
Laboration 4
Under dessa sidor kommer information gällande kursen att fortlöpande läggas in.

2008-08-14: A bug in the shopping cart accessor simulator has been fixed, downloading and replacing the shopping cart accessor engine is adviced.
2008-08-14: Laboration environment update: Due to a configuration error, a slight update to the laboration environment is required to create web interfaces to your web services in assignment 4. Details about the update are available in the assignment 4 specification but in short in involves copying the Axis2 API JAR files into your web application library directory.
A more elaborate example web application demonstrating how to develop web interfaces to web services have also been publicized.
2008-08-10: The schedule for lecture F11 and F12 has been changed. The updated can be found here: schedule. Both F11 and F12 have been moved from 10:00 starting time to 15:00 starting time.
2008-08-08: The specification for assignment 4 has been updated. It now contains a web service project and a description on how to use this. The web service examples from todays lecture are now also available, information on how to use these examples are available in the assignment 4 specification (install them as you will The examples will be demonstrated in class on tuesday.
2008-06-26: Laboration environment update: Due to an unforseen configuration problem, the ant build file (build.xml) will need to be updated in order to allow students to use the assignment code libraries. Instructions for how to update the file can be found in the Updates section of the assignments page. Alternatively, students may download a new version of the laboration environment as new packages containing the update have been generated.
Note that if you download and update your environment you will need to manually transfer your work to the new environment.
2008-06-23: Javadoc documentation has been published for the framework used in assignment 2.
2008-06-11: The laboration environments are now available for download, consult the assignments page for installation details and related information.
2008-05-19: Some preliminary information regarding the course teachers, schedule, and assignments have been posted.
Note that the preliminary information is subject to change without advance notice.
2008-02-11: Mail arkiv
2008-02-11: Kursens hemsida är initierad!

Regler och riktlinjer vid DV@UmU
Riktlinjer vid labgenomförande
Att skriva labrapport
Tentamensregler m.m.
Datorkontraktet (som du ska ha undertecknat och lovat följa)
Ansvarig för sidan: Per Lindström
Senast ändrad 2010-06-22
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