Distributed systems Fall 07


Bonus system

The project for this course can give bonus points to the exam. The points can be used to get a higher grade (4 or 5), but not to pass (grade 3).

An accepted solution to level 1 gives 0 bonus points.
An accepted solution to level 2 gives 3 bonus points.
An accepted solution to level 3 gives 6 bonus points.

The limit for a passing grade (3) on the exam is 30 points (50% of the 60 points).
The limit for grade 4 is 39 points (65% of 60 points).
The limit for grade 5 is 48 points (80% of 60 points).

To clarify: you need to get at least 30 points on the exam to pass it. Any bonus points from the assignment can only be used to get a higher grade once you pass.

Any bonus points only count during the three exams offered for the course during the next 12 months, not for later offerings of the course.